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United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent

United Nations'  International Decade
 for People of African Descent

Resolution 68/237 of 23 December 2013
The General Assembly proclaimed the International Decade for People of African Descent, commencing on I January 2015 and ending on 31 December 2024, with the theme "People of African descent: recognition, justice and development".

Last Thursday, December 8th, 2016, I attended Film Night for Human Rights Day organized by theUnited Nations International Decade for People of African Descent at the United Nations.

The selections of films shown had very little to do with economic justice and oppression. Most of the films focused on identity issues. I noticed that it was a very small audience. Wondering where was the outreach. It is obvious to me that we do not need more film festivals that talk about identity issues without pointing out injustices that attack, oppression, and or conform us into submission. I continue to question; whereas, one question leads to another question, and so on.

Such as; why is it that Africans in the Diaspora are only getting a decade, and will the African Diaspora become a major group within the United Nations structure with a yearly conference; like the Indigenous Peoples Forum, and the Conference on the Status of Women. It seems like most of our problems that we have as a people from the presentations last night was that we don't like ourselves. The focus should have been flipped; the issue is others' don't like us, exploit us, steal from us, control us, imprison us, etc. 

Does White Supremacy have identity issues? We have seen for decades that the only Black folks that get funding are those that have identity issues. They get a platform to voice feelings of inferiority, and get funding from Whites to perpetuate White supremacy.

I was really annoyed by the Haitian film last night. I cannot remember the title. The message was awful, and it was even said about three times during the film, "to make Haiti Beautiful". There is beauty in Haiti. There is beauty everywhere where there is nature. It reminded me of the propaganda that we experience in America as African Americans. I use to be so irked as a teenager growing up when Black celebrities would be on television being interviewed, and they would always talk about escaping from Black communities into White communities. Which sent out messages that we need to get out of our communities; rather than strengthen, maintain, sustain, and build them. We are still suffering today from this propaganda. 

The only folks that get money to document Haiti are films that depict the poorest of the poorest in Haiti. We rarely get to see other aspects of Haitian life; the exploiters. Or the mulatto class that live in separate light skin neighborhoods. Or get exposed to the areas outside of Port au Prince that are beautiful. American mainstream media continues with this propaganda about Haiti. I ask, show us the White folks living huge, and large in Haiti off the backs of the poor; the white foreign NGOs. 

Haiti has some of the best artists in the world, lots of creative people in Haiti. Tell us about the Whites that own businesses in Port au Prince. The culture is very rich. It is obvious that it is beneficial for White Power control to keep us decade, after decade, dealing with identity issues, which has nothing to do with survival and building community. It keeps us divided and fighting with each other. It keeps White supremacy going. 

The discussion around Mainstream media were so elementary. Whose mainstream?  Mainstream media is a tool to maintain White control and Black suppression, same ole, same ole.  Whites controlling the dialogue and the narratives of what is, and what is not talked about. 

The game is to keep us in what is called the 'indefinite game theory' to be Negroes indefinitely into the future. While they are studying our traditional systems of sustainability, so that they can sustain themselves indefinitely. I can remember reading when I was college, an Anthropology book that was talking about mathematics in traditional African societies; whereas a our societies were able to maintain themselves indefinitely in time and space. The Europeans did not know what they were looking at; so they said that we did not have history, and that we did not know how to progress. 

Whereas our African indigenous people knew how to maintain our communities like a mathematical equation.

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