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Che's World - Shashamane

Che's World - Shashamane

Che as he is known was born Gorken Wallen in Jamaica. He moved to New York City, and lived in Harlem. 

While living in New York City (Harlem) Wallen grew in knowledge and understanding the African Diaspora communities in New York City.
Che was able to interact with so many African didasporians that lived in New York City.  He says that living in New York was a learning experience. He learned new skills and polished skills he already had. 

Wallen participated in community gardens in Harlem. He was a part of the community garden movement in New York City. He gained gardening skills. He worked with other gardeners in Harlem.  They supported each other, and gave garden walking tours as side events for United Nations Nations Forums; the CSW (the Conference on the Status of Women), Conference on Sustainable Development, United Nations Indigenous Peoples forum. While attending the various United Nations conferences Che became educated in International, and global politics. 

While in New York City he was a founding participant with the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus. 

Che's skills, interests, and involvements are many.  He is a member of the repatriation community in Shashamane, Ethiopia. 
He is skilled at small scale farming. He is involved with growing and food processing in Ethiopia, growing food crops, Civil Rights, Human Rights, community organizing. 

Che hosts radio shows, events, and music production in Ethiopia. 
He is proud of his work introducing worm composting to Ethiopia. 

Che strongly believes that small scale farming networks can feed the world. Which is more than a concept but a practice. 

It is noted in the United Nations General Assembly Sixteenth session of the United Nations, Agenda item 3, in 2010, a report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter. 
In her report she states the importance of gathering information that agroecology is a viable solution. Her research confirms that small scale agroecology can feed the poor. 

At the November, 2022 Climate Change Conference (COP27), the world's farmers added their voices that farmers are an essential part to Climate Change and that agroecology is a solution.

 Below is a link to an article about how small scale farmers produce a third of the world's food supply. The article makes it clear that scaling up and supporting small farmers, and small farmers networks is the key to food security.

Photo gallery


How you can help.
The Shashamane Community is in need of your support the African diaspora so that we can grow more projects and programs; as we build sustainable community.
None but ourselves can build communities for an African people.
You can send a Moneygram to Che.
To learn more about how you can assist please email Che at; 



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